Wednesday, February 23, 2011

REVIEW: Nicolas Jaar - Space Is Only Noise

9.25 out of 10
Find it here.

Meet the newest Electronic prodigy on the block, Nicolas Jaar. You've probably heard of him by now? At the young age of 20 he's already mastered what's taken many of his influences years to accomplish. His debut full length (about 6 years in the making) is wowing reviewers left & right and is guaranteed to be on many year-end lists (..probably somewhere in the top 20). So what does his music sound like?

OK, I'm gonna mention three artists that Mr. Jaar reminds me of. You should know, these artist I'm gonna mention tend to have obsessive fans. You either obsess over these bands or you just don't care for 'em. "Space Is Only Noise" is of it's own sound, but when comparing it to contemporary leaders in the same field, it could easily be placed next to Matthew Dear, Coil, and/or DJ Shadow. Now that you've heard those names (and you've possibly widened your eyes at the thought) you should probably know what to expect. If those names (unfortunately) mean nothing to you... Nicolas Jaar makes Electronic Pop music mixed with hints of Jazzy seduction, Classical sampling, and a few very weird tones. In-fact, if you pay close attention to the title "Space Is Only Noise" you may know what to listen for, is it the space between his noise, or the noise between the space? Every second on Nicoals' debut is filled with an interesting/pleasing note, sound or beat. I don't know, I just don't see how there could be a better Electronic album this year that crazy to think?

Fans of the Kompakt or Ghostly family will definitely swoon over this. Actually, everyone should get this, I'll buy your copy if you dislike it. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. One of the year's best albums (maybe THE).

Standout Tracks: ALL especially; Colomb, To Many Kids Finding Rain In The Dust (sounds exactly like Coil -- :), Keep Me There (love the horn samples at the end), I Got A Woman (can't get this song out of my head), Problems With The Sun (sooo catchy), Balance Her In Between Your Eyes (LOVELOVELOVE the vocals on this one), Specters Of The Future (sounds like an "Endtroducing.." b-side)

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