Monday, May 3, 2010

EIC'S10Q'S w/White Hinderland

"..gorgeous vocal layers, sparsely dispersed guitar pluckings (sometimes acoustic, sometimes electric), tons of terrific electronic samples (that range from Dub to Industrial to etc.), and some ghostly atmospheres that set the mood for hazy and mysterious.."

White Hinderland
Modern Enigmatics

White Hinderland Bio:
White Hinterland is the songwriting vehicle of Casey Dienel, whose chirpy vocals and jazzy arrangements draw similarities to Laura Nyro and Joni Mitchell. The Massachusetts native made her debut as a solo performer in 2006, when the album Wind-Up Canary was released by Hush Records. Dienel then returned to the recording studio with Matthew Jean-Paul Meyer, Maximillian Haft, and Christopher MacDonald in 2007, eschewing her brief solo career and becoming a bandleader instead. Later that year, she signed with the indie label Dead Oceans and changed the name of her act to White Hinterland. Phylactery Factory, the group's debut album, was released in March 2008, followed by the Luniculaire EP (an ambitious avant-garde record sung entirely in French) in October. Issued in 2010, the full-length Kairos helped to further cement the outfit's reputation for heady and soulful minimal pop.

Hello, how are you?
Splendid, thanks.

What are you currently listening to?
Records: Lizzy Mercier Descloux "Mambo Nassau", Toro Y Moi "Causers of This", Tune-Yards "Bird-Brains". I'm also REALLY looking forward to soaking in Erykah Badu's new record. & as for specific songs, we've really been feeling: Erykah Badu ft. Lil Wayne "Jump Up In The Air (Stay There)", Beach House "Walk In The Park", Beyonce "Diva", R. Kelly "Exit", Dirty Projectors "No Intention", Sleigh Bells "Ring Ring", Usher ft. Nicki Minaj "Lil' Freak"

What’s the story behind the band name?
I (Casey) started the band before Shawn was in the picture. A solo record I made at 19 under my own name had been released before I'd really had time to ascertain what I wanted to do in the bigger picture--and I quickly realized that I didn't want to go it alone. I decided to about face and start a band, and thought it would be most providential to name it after a place I'd want to go to. (In the words of Liz Lemon, "I want to go to there.") Somewhere calm, removed from the rest of the world, somewhere beautiful. I loved the kind of mystical connotation it conjured up for me. Somewhere spacious enough for me to color it in. When Shawn and I began working together collaboratively, that was when it really became White Hinterland. It was no longer just my pet art-project.

Is there a theme for “Kairos“?
There are several themes, though Shawn & I worry that enumerating them all might take something away from those discovering it on their own. Obviously, the biggest theme of KAIROS is the notion itself of a supreme moment, a turning point: what is the line between living for the moment and living exclusively in a moment? If you're trapped in your fondest memories it can hold you back. It can feel good to retreat into ones dreams or memories, but it's important to realize when it's time to change course or leave something behind. Very very important. Kairos is as much about honoring those moments and people who are important to you as it is about letting go of them when it is "the right time."

Did the recording process for the album go pretty smoothly or…?
Honestly, it was the most fun I've ever had recording. It wasn't textbook "easy," and I worked harder on this than any other record, but it felt so good to produce and record. We really wanted to make a Hi-Fi record on a Lo-Fi budget. There were some days where I may have felt frustrated or even like giving up, but ultimately we pushed through those and that's what counts. I'm really proud of this. Every day was a big discovery for me, I had been really nervous to record these songs in particular, but they felt like second skin once we began working on them. There isn't a better feeling you can ask for while recording.

What’s a song you wish you wrote?
Of course, there are so many. Radiohead's "Nude." Tune-Yards' "Fiya." If I hear these songs, I must stop everything I'm doing. Another song I hear and wish I'd written is probably Dirty Projectors' "Naked We Made It." So simple, honest, and true.

How did the current tour idea with Dosh come up?

His booking agent approached us in January and we said yes right away.

If you could score any movie of your choice what would it be?
Tough. But I would say "La Double Vie De Veronique" by Kieslowski, because I am obsessed with Doppelganger philosophy and it is such a creepy, sexy film.

You can only keep/listen to ONE album for the rest of your life ..which album would it be?
Debussy's String Quartet in G minor. Not an album. I would have a quartet in front of me that would play only that, and honestly I would be super happy.

Are you living your dream?
Yes! All I ever wanted was to work in music, and here we are. It is very hard work and I love it. I feel incredibly lucky.

Thanx Casey!

White Hinderland is currently on tour with Dosh, make sure to check them out HERE (or wherever is closest to you)...

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