Sunday, February 15, 2009

REVIEW: Skinny Puppy - Too Dark Park

9 out of 10

What would the world be like without Skinny Puppy? If you're familiar with their sound, you know they are one of THE premier industrial acts. You'd agree, without them the world would not be the same as it is today. They are one of the first industrial bands I got into, and to this day I've never heard a band that even comes close to sharing their sound. It's dance music in it's darkest place. Or, "a nightmare with a beat".

"Too Dark Park" is Skinny Puppy's 1990 masterpiece/opus. Both "abrasive" and "challenging", Too Dark Park pushed their signature sound perversion even further. Some might say it's their best, it certainly is my favorite. Ogre(Ohgr)'s shrill screams about animal testing, pollution and pure destruction pierce out against a backdrop of synthesized bass and distorted horror. Honestly, it's catchy and quite driving. I always find myself bobbing my head. Don't get me wrong though, it's very dark. VERY dark.

If you've never checked out Skinny Puppy, and you like industrial/electronic/experimental music, I think this is a great place for you to start. If you're already a fan and you don't have it, what the hell is wrong with you? One of the most memorable and sinister albums around, Too Dark Park is not worth missing out on.

Standout Tracks: Rash Reflection, Tormentor, Convulsion

1 comment:

  1. How can't I agree ? This album is fantastic, dark and moving. Still, my favourite is Last Rights, which I think is more deep.
